Embracing Social Media Part 1

Embracing Social Media

Sometimes I feel like I give off the appearance that I hate social media. My personal accounts are either abandoned or quiet in terms of which posts are actually shared by me. I’m not resisting social media because I think I’m above it, I’m resisting it because I’m not good at sharing my life with anyone. Even in face-to-face conversation, I don’t want to let people in. I know I should, but it’s hard.

After we started the Pelky Sisters website and social media accounts, I got a little braver about connecting my real name to my work and my photos. I figured my love of writing could conquer any fear I had about letting people in. That was partially true, but I still hesitate to push the post button and I barely make an effort to find stuff to post about. I feel lost, and afraid, and I’m sick of feeling that way. I want to post whatever I want to post, and stop caring what people think.

That’s why I’m making social media my next goal. For the entire month of August I’m going to actively participate in social media every single day. These are my rules:

  1. Post something on all Pelky Sisters social media accounts.
  2. Document my progress and feelings about social media each week.
  3. And finally, last but not least, try my hardest to have fun!

I don’t know what to expect, or what I’m going to learn from this. Maybe I’ll be more disappointed than satisfied, but either way I feel like I’m missing out on something. I’m sick of giving up on things that don’t come easily to me. So if you follow any of our social media accounts, you might get more posts from us then you ever wanted, but for once I’m not doing something to please other people. I’m doing this for me.



1 thought on “Embracing Social Media Part 1

  1. Pingback: Embracing Social Media Part 2 – The Results | Pelky Sisters

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