Embracing Social Media Part 2 – The Results

embracing social media the results

I’m sorry, I don’t want to write this. However, I feel obligated to write something because I set this blog up with “Embracing Social Media Part 2“. I attempted to post on social media everyday and learn how to have fun with it. Instead I struggled through the process and about halfway through the month, I decided to give up. Yet I still learned a very valuable lesson.

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Letting Go of Your Book Babies

giving up on my book

This past month Erin and I started talking about our unpublished book. I was hoping that someday I’d get to write a blog post sharing how we are ready to self-publish, but it turns out this post is going to be very different. I’m sad to say we are shelving our beloved Fan-Zoned. It’s a full book of content, we’ve spent about three years working on it, sent it to a bunch of literary agents, edited it and then sent it out again, we’ve enjoyed rereading it, and we’ve considered reworking it a mess of different ways, and after all that we’ve finally decided to give it a break. The weird thing is, after all this time, we weren’t actually sad to see our “book baby” go.

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Embracing Social Media Part 1

Embracing Social Media

Sometimes I feel like I give off the appearance that I hate social media. My personal accounts are either abandoned or quiet in terms of which posts are actually shared by me. I’m not resisting social media because I think I’m above it, I’m resisting it because I’m not good at sharing my life with anyone. Even in face-to-face conversation, I don’t want to let people in. I know I should, but it’s hard.

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I’m a Writer Who’s Afraid of Writing

 A Writer Who's Afraid of Writing

After reading through each of Erin’s posts about how she was able to accomplish her goal of getting healthier, I started looking at my own life to reevaluate how I’ve been doing with my own goals. It didn’t take long to realize I wasn’t as far along as I hoped I’d be by this point in my life, with one goal in particular.

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